Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming, children are getting excited, moms and dads try to get to the stores to buy the latest toys, trinkets, and gizmos.  Grandmas and grandpas everywhere spoil their grandchildren with toys and treats.  People like to listen to ‘Christmas’ music and eat too much food.  The lights are beautiful and the decorations are so ornate that most of them are gaudy… but we love to see them anyway!  Merchants at the stores are working extra hours and wishing everyone a “Merry Christmas” as they leave… wait… not anymore. 
Now it’s “Happy Holidays”.  Does this bother you?  It doesn’t bother me in the slightest.  I read a blog this morning where the pastor said that it was Bill O’Reilly that started this whole “War on Christmas” idea.  I don’t know if that is true or not – and again, I don’t really care.  I will say Merry Christmas to some people and Happy Holidays to others.  Still others I say Happy Chanukah to.  I worship Jesus Christ of Nazareth as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  I believe He is God in the flesh – Emmanuel (God with us).  I have very dear friends who do not share my worship of Him – that does not affect my relationship with Him or with them.  My faith is not dependent upon whether other people agree with me.
I am bothered by how upset some people get when they hear about nativity scenes in public squares or courthouses being removed.  I have one question for those who get so worked up about this: Do you have a nativity scene in your front yard?  If you don’t, then quit worrying about it as it’s apparently not even important to you.  If you do have one, then be THANKFUL that we are still allowed to exercise our beliefs in this country.  Ultimately it doesn’t matter what the government thinks or does as long as YOU never violate YOUR faith.  I will worship Jesus as the Messiah in a “free” country or illegally if I am placed in that position.  I know this sounds harsh but a lot of people say they’d die for their faith… try living for it!

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